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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Mesothelioma - What is it?

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that originates in the mesothelium. The mesothelium is a protective cover that covers the internal organs of the body. Mesothelioma occurs when cells divide uncontrollably start mesothelium. You can start to penetrate and cause damage nearby tissues and organs and may have spread gradually to other parts of the body.

About 2,500 cases of mesothelioma in the United States are diagnosed each year and the majority of occupational exposure to asbestos ago. Asbestos causes mesothelioma and its main risk factor. There are other consequences of this type of cancer in men than in women, and most of the victims were over 65 years old, but the disease can occur at any age.

Although asbestos use has declined significantly in recent years has led to a significant reduction in the incidence of mesothelioma. The reason is that there is a latency period of asbestos disease diagnosis - may develop 20 to 50 years for symptoms of mesothelioma after exposure to asbestos.

The mesothelium

The membrane consists of two layers composed of mesothelial cells. A layer surrounding the bodies while the other forms a sac around it. This is caused by a lubricating fluid between the two layers mesothelium, which aid in the sliding movement of the body against each other.

Depending on the position of the body, the mesothelium is known by different names. The mesothelial tissue that covers the internal organs is known as peritoneal membrane that covers the lungs and chest cavity called the pleura. Mesothelium that covers and protects the heart called pericardium.

Most cases of mesothelioma in the pleura or peritoneum start. However, skin cancer is vaginal attack. The sac around the testis and pericardium

Types of Mesothelioma

Malignant mesothelioma is unfortunately the most common type, but it is a mild form:

• Malignant mesothelioma

It is a rare form of cancer and the most serious of all asbestos-related diseases. It can be a difficult disease to diagnose because the symptoms can be similar enough to other disorders. Pathologists now used immunohistochemistry, proteins and DNA of tumor cells to a real help to identify the correct diagnosis. Typical treatments for malignant mesothelioma include chemotherapy (cisplatin and pemetrexed usually), radiotherapy, surgery and multimodality therapy (two or more combination therapies).

• No Mesothelioma

Although mesothelioma Benin to treat a lot easier than the malignant form of cancer known. Many cases have been treated and cured.
Protect yourself from mesothelioma

Because mesothelioma is caused by asbestos is the best way to reduce the risk in order to reduce exposure to asbestos. Unfortunately, asbestos was used in thousands of different products, including products for the construction industry. Moreover, the United States does not currently have a total ban on asbestos today. Recent independent tests found that some children's toys from China contain asbestos. Generally, asbestos is not dangerous unless ingested or inhaled. However, the fibers are so small (microscopic) that can not be seen with the naked eye.


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